Simple Crochet Top Tutu Dress


I wanted to make my daughters something fantastic for Halloween, a truly adorable costume that little girls would find magical.  I decided that my 3 year old would love a new witch dress, especially since she’s so into villans.  I went with purple, black, and silver for my color combination for the skirt.  My stepmom makes the girls tutus, so I enlisted her help to make the skirt.  She whipped two out in no time! I think I’ve got her method down, so I should be able to make that part on my own next time.  I had some black sequin yarn that seemed like a perfect fit for the top.


I did sc to keep holes at a minimum.  I wanted to make sure it was on the warmer side, since October can be quite cold where we live.  I have also included optional directions for making sleeves.  It would be very easy to customize this pattern for any holiday, special occasion, or just for dress up.  I intend to do one for my younger daughter’s cake smash in a few months! You will have to wait and see what colors I choose…




Crochet Stretch Trim or Stretch Headband

Bulky Weight Yarn- 115-150 yards (Pictured is Deborah Norville Serenity with Sequins)

Crochet Hook Size K

Sharp Scissors

Measuring Tape

Optional- Needle, thread,


In order to really get the best size, I would recommend using a live model and trying it on as you go. The sizes below are what I did for my two girls.  My 3 year old is quite thin, but tall and wears 3T and 4T clothing.  The dress fit her snugly and she could pull it on and off pretty well. (Feet first) My 10 month old is a bit more on the chunky side and wears a size 12 month.  I reduced the size of the armholes below, because hers were too big.  It is very easy to add or subtract a few stitches around or a few chains from the armholes to get a better sizing depending on what you need for your recipient.  As I make more for different kiddos, I will hopefully get some better sizing parameters.  I’m happy to help anyone with the math or placement of decreases, increases, sleeves, etc if they need to adjust the size.  Just comment below or send me a message on my facebook page.

Size S- a larger 6- smaller 12 months (I used this size for my 10 month old that wears 12 month clothing, it fit snugly)

Size M- 12 months to 3T (I used this for my 3 year old that wears 3T and 4T clothing. It fit fine, but I would probably make a size up if I were to redo it.  When I do, I will publish it here as a size L)

You will need a waistband made out of crochet stretch trim or a premade stretch crochet headband. If you use the trim, measure out the length you need for the child you are making it for and sew it into a completed band.  It has a lot of give and will stretch nicely when worn.


Round 1: Crochet 1 SC into each opening of the second row of the headband. Join to the top of the 1st stitch with a slip stitch.

Round 2: Crochet 1 SC in each stitch around if it is the correct number of stitches.  Depending on the number of stitches in your first round either increase or decrease to get the desired number.  Join to the top of the 1st stitch with a slip stitch.

You will need 46 stitches around for a size S

You will need 50 stitches around for a size M

Round 3: SC in each stitch around.  Join to the top of the 1st stitch with a slip stitch.

Repeat row 3 until the dress is the desired length from waist to bottom of the armhole. I did 23 rounds for my 3 year old and 16 for my 10 month old.  I measured them against dresses and onesies I had in their closet and had them try it on.

You will now create the armholes and yoke:

Round 1:

For a size S: SC in the first 10, CH 12-14, Skip 4 stitches, SC in the next 19 across, Ch 12, Skip 4 stitches, SC in the next 10 across.  Join to the top of the 1st stitch with a slip stitch.

For a size M: SC in the first 10, CH 18, skip the next 5 stitches, SC in the next 20 across, CH 18, skip the next 5 stitches, SC in the remaining 10 stitches. Join to the top of the 1st stitch with a slip stitch.

Round 2:

Size S: SC in each of the first 8, SC next 3 stitches together, SC in each of the next 10 stitches, SC next 3 stitches together, SC in each of the next 15 stitches, SC next 3 stitches together, SC in each of the next 10 stitches, SC next 3 stitches together, SC in each of the next 7 Stitches, Join to the top of the 1st stitch with a slip stitch.

Size M: SC in each of the first 8, SC next 3 stitches together, SC in each of the next 16 stitches, SC next 3 stitches together, SC in each of the next 16 stitches, SC next 3 stitches together, SC in each of the next 16 stitches, SC next 3 stitches together, SC in each of the next 8 Stitches, Join to the top of the 1st stitch with a slip stitch.

Round 3:

Size S: SC in each of the first 7, SC next 3 stitches together, SC in each of the next 8 stitches, SC next 3 stitches together, SC in each of the next 13 stitches, SC next 3 stitches together, SC in each of the next 8 stitches, SC next 3 stitches together, SC in each of the next 6 Stitches, Join to the top of the 1st stitch with a slip stitch.

Size M: SC in each of the first 7, SC next 3 stitches together, SC in each of the next 14 stitches, SC next 3 stitches together, SC in each of the next 14 stitches, SC next 3 stitches together, SC in each of the next 14 stitches, SC next 3 stitches together, SC in each of the next 7 Stitches, Join to the top of the 1st stitch with a slip stitch.

Round 3:

Size S: SC in each of the first 6, SC next 3 stitches together, SC in each of the next 6 stitches, SC next 3 stitches together, SC in each of the next 11 stitches, SC next 3 stitches together, SC in each of the next 6 stitches, SC next 3 stitches together, SC in each of the next 5 Stitches, Join to the top of the 1st stitch with a slip stitch.

Size M: SC in each of the first 7, SC next 3 stitches together, SC in each of the next 14 stitches, SC next 3 stitches together, SC in each of the next 14 stitches, SC next 3 stitches together, SC in each of the next 14 stitches, SC next 3 stitches together, SC in each of the next 7 Stitches, Join to the top of the 1st stitch with a slip stitch.

Round 4:

Size S: SC in each of the first 6, SC next 3 stitches together, SC in each of the next 6 stitches, SC next 3 stitches together, SC in each of the next 11 stitches, SC next 3 stitches together, SC in each of the next 6 stitches, SC next 3 stitches together, SC in each of the next 5 Stitches, Join to the top of the 1st stitch with a slip stitch.

Size M: SC in each of the first 6, SC next 3 stitches together, SC in each of the next 12 stitches, SC next 3 stitches together, SC in each of the next 12 stitches, SC next 3 stitches together, SC in each of the next 12stitches, SC next 3 stitches together, SC in each of the next 6 Stitches, Join to the top of the 1st stitch with a slip stitch.

Optional Round 5 for M size only:

Size M: SC in each of the first 5, SC next 3 stitches together, SC in each of the next 10 stitches, SC next 3 stitches together, SC in each of the next 12 stitches, SC next 3 stitches together, SC in each of the next 10 stitches, SC next 3 stitches together, SC in each of the next 5 Stitches, Join to the top of the 1st stitch with a slip stitch.

Optional Sleeves:

Round 1: Slip stitch into first skipped stitch of armhole.  SC in each stitch around.  Join to the top of the first stitch with a slip stitch.

Round 2:  Decrease twice, SC in each stitch around. Join to top of first stitch with a slip stitch.

Round 3: SC in each stitch around.

Round 4:  Decrease twice.  SC in each stitch around Join to top of first stitch with a slip stitch.

Repeat Rounds 3 and 4 until the sleeve is the desired width.

Repeat Round 3 until the sleeve is the desired length.

Tulle Skirt:


Tulle in desired colors and lengths.  The amount needed will vary depending on the size of the tutu, the desired length and the desired fullness.  My stepmom does two rows for each tutu.  Typically she does short ones, but we did long tutus for these.  I believe we went through about 8-10 rolls of tulle.

Count the number of holes around the waistband of the tutu.  Decide on the desired length of the tutu.  Double both.  So if you have a skirt with 50 holes and you want a 12 inch skirt, you will need to cut 100 strips of tulle that are 24 inches in length.  You will be using the rows that are 2nd and 3rd from the bottom.

Fold one strip of tulle in half and pull the center through one of the holes in the headband to make a tulle loop.  Take the ends of the tulle strip and pull them through the loop to make a knot.  Repeat around for two rows.




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