30 Minute Braided Cowl

I got sick of the crazy heat and decided to start working on winter/Christmas projects. This cowl works up so quickly that even a slower stitcher like me can finish it in less than 30 minutes!

Video Tutorial:


  • Jumbo Yarn (ribbon style works best)
  • Size R or S crochet hook

Chain 6 

Row 1: Turn, work a single crochet into second back loop from hook and in each ch across (5 sc)

Step 2: Ch 24, finish off (should be about 19-20 inches) 

Step 3: join yarn to next sc from 1st row, ch 24 finish off 

Step 4: join yarn to next sc from 1st row, ch 24 finish off 

Step 5: join yarn to next sc from 1st row, ch 24 finish off 

Lay the project out flat with single crochets at the too.  Pull the strands of chains straight and make sure that they are all facing right side up.  Do a 5 strand braid all the way down the strands of chains. 

Carefully flip the project over and fold in half top to bottom. Join each strand of sc to the corresponding sc to complete the loop. Weave in ends.

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